ICESA Unemployment Insurance Wages do not match gross wages in Accumulators

Description of Issue

Do you know what the difference is between total gross payroll wages and the total gross wages returned by the ICESA Quarterly Wages Report?

  • Payroll

  • State Reporting

  • Unemployment



The ICESA Quarterly Wages Report doesn't return a gross wage.  It returns Unemployment Insurance (UI) wages - The sum of wages subject to unemployment tax.  Not all wages are typically subject to unemployment, so these two numbers often won't match, and should not be expected to.

  1. The sum of wages from pays being defined as excluded on the ICESA define screen would also need to be subtracted from the gross wages sum in Accumulators. 

  2. UI gross is only going to include employees that have the Unemployment Tax option check marked on the Demographics tab of the Employee Master.  If you have Q1 amounts for employees that don’t have that option check marked, you would also need to exclude those amounts from the Accumulator gross.

Once items 1 and 2 are accounted for, the amounts should match. 

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