Period 0 Journals for NSFY Funds

Description of Issue

We have period 0 amounts showing on some expense accounts for our NSFY Funds, these should not be there

  • Account Inquiry

  • NSFY Fund

  • Non Standard Fiscal Year Fund

  • General journal entry proof

  • Accounting entries


MUNIS generates the appropriate Period 0 Journals on all NSFY Accounts that need to bring amounts forward to balance correctly according to the Funds set up, this occurs due to the crossing of years


The period 0 amounts that were generated by MUNIS are correct according to the functionality of the program

If however there are manually entered journals that were posted into period 0 for a NSFY Fund those need to be reversed

Additional Information

General Journal entries should not be made manually into period 0 or period 13 for NSFY Funds. These types of funds are not intended to have journals posted to those periods, besides the system generated journals. If manual journals are created it will cause issues with reconciliation.