Grant User Access to Employee Deductions

Grant User Access to Employee Deductions

Description of Issue

Payroll backup user does not have access to employee deductions

  • Payroll

  • Employee Deductions

  • User Attributes

  • Roles


The employee deductions menu option is not selected in the role

  1. Go to User Attributes. (System Administration>Security>User Attributes)

  2. Search for user.

  3. Click on the applicable Role. Click Edit Role.

  4. Click on the Menu Security tab

  5. Make sure the Access Box is flagged along the menu path to and including Employee Maintenance (Human Resources Payroll/Payroll > Payroll > Employee Maintenance).

    1. Check the Employee Deductions program under the Employee Maintenance sub-menu

    2. Check other programs desired under the Employee Maintenance sub-menu

  6. Have user log out and back in.  The Employee Deductions menu option should now be accessible

Additional Information