Employee Missing from SC PEBA Report
Employee missing from SC PEBA Report.
South Carolina
SC PEBA Retirement Report
SC Employee Retirement Maintenance
Employee did not have an SC Employee Retirement Maintenance record
The SCRS Account in Retirement Maintenance isn't defined on the the Deductions tab of the Generate screen
The employee's Deduction code is mapped to a Deduction Type on the Generate screen that doesn't match the SCRS Account in Retirement Maintenance
Create a record for the emp in the SC Employee Retirement Maintenance program, if there isn't one already.
If one exists, confirm that the SCRS Account is accurate. Update if necessary.
Confirm that each SCRS Account defined in Retirement Maintenance is also defined as a Deduction Type on the Generate screen
Confirm that the Deduction code(s) mapped to each Deduction Type is accurate. Update if necessary.
Reference Pages 3 and 4 here for instructions on adding a Maintenance record - SC PEBA Retirement Report
See also - SC PEBA Retirement Report - Contribution totals do not match Employee Deduction Register