Utah Payroll Transparency Export - Earnings and Deduction History

Description of Issue

The UT Transparency Report is only pulling Quarter 4 details even though Accumulators were converted.

  • Payroll
  • Utah
  • Utah Payroll Transparency Export   

The Utah Payroll Transparency Report in Munis uses earnings and deduction history detail from each payroll processed in Munis to get the level of detail the reporting agency requires. GL detail, for example, are not available from Accumulators.  


You would not be able to produce the report from Munis if all payrolls for the year had not been processed in Munis, or if earnings and deduction history details for the reporting year had not been converted from a legacy system.

Additional Information

See UT Payroll Transparency Report on the Munis KnowledgeBase for complete program details.