S - table missing - 2020 or later

S - table missing - 2020 or later

Description of Issue

I am receiving an error for all my employees after creating 2020 tax tables stating S - tax table missing.

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Earnings and Deductions

User created two tax tables with two different effective dates. The earlier table was defined for the pre 2020 rates, the more recently effective dated table only included the new W-4 tax table rates and were missing the pre-2020 rates.


One tax table record is required per marital status.

  1. Access Tax Tables: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Income Tax Setup > Tax Tables
  2. Search on later effective dated table and select Delete
Additional Information

One tax table record is only required per marital status. The regular tax table rates will be entered into the Tax Table option of the record. The W-4 Step 2 rates will be entered into the W-4 Step 2 grid. Munis will only use the W-4 Step 2 grid if an employee is enabled for the step 2 setting on the tax deduction in Employee Deductions.