Error during Global Add of a pay code in Employee Job/Salary

Description of Issue

I am getting an error doing a Global Add in Employee Job/Salary. When I tried a different Job Class range it only applied to 200 out of 800 employees.

No records were found that satisfy the selection criteria.

  • Munis
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Global Add/Delete

The employees already had an instance of the pay code existing in Employee Job/Salary.

  • In Version 11.3 if the pay code exists in Employee Job/Salary, it cannot be added during the Global Add.
  • In Versions 2018.1 and higher, if there is any instance (historical or current) of the pay code, it cannot be added during the Global Add.
Additional Information

Use article, How to globally add a pay code into Employee Job/Salary, for further instruction on how to globally add a pay code.Â