Quarterly State Form 941

Quarterly State Form 941

Description of Issue

Where in Munis can you generate Quarterly State Form 941?

  • Payroll
  • State Reporting

Munis doesn't have a canned report that will produce a State Form 941


You can get the detail needed by using the Payroll Detail History Report.  Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Employee History>Payroll Detail History

  1. Select Search
  2. Enter Check Date Range (Example - 040120:063020)
  3. Select DEDUCTIONS in the Earnings/Deductions field
  4. Enter your SIT deduction(s) in the Pay/Deduction field
  5. Select Accept
  6. Select Excel
  7. Choose the fields you want to see in Excel (Example- deselect all but Employee Number, Check Date, Deduction Gross Amount and Employee Amount).
  8. Use Excel to subtotal by Check Date.
Additional Information