GB Invoice Adjustment GL account Master Record is not valid

Description of Issue
  • Error fetching data for validation, status: 100
  • The General Ledger account master record for account (blank) is not valid
  • Error during Invoice Adjustment Discount
  • General Billing
  • Adjust Invoices
  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes
  1. In this scenario Munis will throw an error when a user it attempting to discount a detail charge within an invoice. This series of errors can occur due to a charge code not having a liability account populated in the charge code. 
  2. If the resolution has been completed but the error persists or another error reveals itself, please contact Munis General Billing Support. 
  1. Navigate to General or Property Revenues>Accounts Receivables>Setup>Accounts Receivable Charge Codes. 
  2. Click Search and enter the charge in question.
  3. Click Accept.
  4. Click the Accounts tab.
  5. Populate a liability account and click Accept.
  6. Return to the Adjust Invoices program and attempt the discount again.
  7. If the error persists, please contact Munis Support.
Additional Information