Upload Employer Health into Munis for W-2s

Upload Employer Health into Munis for W-2s

Description of Issue

How do I upload the employer contributions for health into Munis so it shows on the W-2?

  • Munis
  • W-2 Processing
  • Accumulator Import

Employer health contributions were not tracked within Munis.


Import CSV file into Employee Accumulators:

  1. Access Employee Accumulators: Payroll > Payroll Admin > Employee Accumulators
  2. Click Import in the menu of the ribbon
  3. Click Define, click on the Browse icon next to the File field and select the CSV file to upload, select the form definition from the From drop-down
  4. TAB into the Accumulator Values section, and enter the desired Year, Type and Pay/Deduction code
  5. Enter a comma in the Delimiter field, click Accept, then select Output-Post
Additional Information