NO FED TAX error in payroll

NO FED TAX error in payroll

Description of Issue

I am receiving the follow error message in my payroll, W-EARNIGNS W/ NO FED TAX.

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing

Employees receiving a second check did not have a federal income tax deduction.

  1. Access Earnings and Deductions: Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions
  2. Search on the employee listed on the error report, click on the Withholding tab

If the employee should have federal income tax:

  1. Click Add
  2. Enter the federal income tax deduction code
  3. Click Accept

If the employee should not have the federal income deduction you can ignore the error.

Additional Information

To avoid this error, site can set up a Payroll Exception to exclude the pay type being used on the secondary check.

  1. Access Deduction and Benefit Master: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master
  2. Search on the federal income tax deduction code
  3. Click Exceptions in the ribbon, click Update on the following screen
  4. TAB into a new row and enter the secondary check pay code
  5. Click Accept