Deductions not pulling into Benefit Calculate for vacancies

Deductions not pulling into Benefit Calculate for vacancies

Description of Issue

I am running the PDF report in the Benefit Calculate of my projection and Medicare and retirement are not pulling into the report for any of my vacancies.

  • Munis
  • Salary and Benefit Projections
  • Benefit Calculate

User selecting the PDF report option rather than running the recalc report. The PDF report option will only pull deductions with a populated employee/employer annual amount that is greater than zero. These employees all had zero for these annual amounts.

  1. Access Benefit Calculate: Human Resources > Position Control and Budgeting > Salary and Benefit Projections > Benefit Projection Processing > Benefit Calculate
  2. Click Define > Click Accept > Click Recalc
Additional Information

When choosing the PDF report in the Benefit Calculate program, Munis will only pull in deductions that have an employee/employer annual amount greater than zero, therefore only showing what is currently defined in Employee Deductions of your projection.