Setting Up A Pay Code Specifically For Accrual Tracking

Description of Issue

I need to create a pay code that will only be used for tracking purposes, and will not affect Employee pay. 

  • Munis
  • Pay Master
  • Employee Accruals


To set up a pay that will impact accruals but not the pay, Calc Code 90 can be used with a factor of 0. 

  1. Navigate to the Pay Master program (Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master)
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter in all pay information, specifically using a Calc Code 90, and a factor of 0
    1. The factor of 0 will prevent the Employee from actually being paid out of this code
  4. On the Impact Accruals tab, define accordingly
    1. No Impact will not impact the accrual at all
    2. Add will add time to the accrual balance for the Employee
    3. Subtract and Add will subtract and add time (Common for Employee's who should still earn vacation time while on vacation)
    4. Subtract Only will subtract time from the accrual balance
    5. Comp Time Earned is used with a very specific pay setup
  5. Ensure that Subtract From Base is NOT checked off
  6. Once all required fields are defined, click Accept

Additional Information