How to verify if a payroll was posted to the GL

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How can we verify if a payroll has been posted to the GL?

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Global Audit Inquiry

  1. Access Global Audit Inquiry: Payroll > Payroll Administration > Global Audit Inquiry
  2. Search on the run type and the warrant > click Browse
  3. Navigate and locate the record labeled GL Finished With Journal
    1. If this record exists, the payroll was posted to the GL
    2. If this record doesn't exist, the payroll was not posted to the GL
  4. If you locate a record labeled GL Finished W/O Journal, this indicates the payroll was not posted to the GL either

  1. Access Journal Inquiry/Print: Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
  2. Saerch for the run type + warrant in the Reference2 field in the following format: runtypewarrant
  3. If records are returned, payroll was posted to the GL
  4. If no records are returned, payroll is not posted to the GL
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