Auto-Match Process Not Matching Transactions - Leading Zeroes for Customer Reference Number in BAI File

Description of Issue
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager auto-match processing is not matching AP or PR checks
  • BAI Import file Customer Reference includes leading zeros 
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • BAI Import

The Customer Reference Number does not match the Munis Reference Number (Check Number) due to leading zeroes. The number of leading zeros cause the Customer Reference to exceed current expectations for the zeros to be automatically stripped when imported.

  • MUN-408454 has been released by Development to correct the auto match query so Customer Reference values with leading zeros will strip the zeros on import and checks will match and clear. based on the remaining field values.
  • In order for the Auto-Match process to be successful, the Customer Reference Number and the Munis Reference Number (Check Number) must match. 
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