S - Tax Table Missing Error - State Income Tax Table did not have a Blank Marital Status

Description of Issue

I am receiving an error stating tax table missing for SIT deduction for employees when running the Error report or Earnings and Deductions Proof

S-Tax Table Missing

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof

  • Employee Deductions 

  • Tax Tables


State Tax Table with blank Martial Status did not exist. 


Some States do not require a Martial Status option, the taxes are the same regardless if married or single. There is functionality for the applicable State Codes that require the Marital Status to be left blank on the Tax Table. 

  1. Go to Tax Tables (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Income Tax Setup> Tax Tables)

  2. Search for the applicable Effective Date and State Code. 

  3. If a table does not exist with a blank Marital Status, click Add. 

  4. Define the Effective Date, Sate Code, and Pay Period as necessary. Leave Martial Status blank. 

  5. Define other options for Calc and/or Tax Table, etc. in the toolbar based on applicable State's requirements. 

Additional Information

States that Require blank Marital Status Tax Tables:

Iowa - IA