AP Invoice Entry - General Journal Entry - Cash validation not correctly calculating with secondary balancing

Description of Issue

Cash validation for journals and invoices is not correctly calculating when the fund is set to secondary balancing

Available Cash Check
WARNING: Fund XXXX exceeds the available cash amount of $ and user does not have permission to override.

  • Accounts Payable Invoice Entry

  • General Journal Entry/Proof

  • Cash Validation

  • Secondary Balancing


Work ticket MUN-478171 is open with development for bug calculating cash validation with secondary balancing funds.


Load work ticket MUN-478171 once it has been completed by development and released for code update


  • Ensure user has Override cash amounts General Ledger Role permissions.

  • Uncheck Perform cash level validation during AP and JE entry in General Ledger Settings

Additional Information

Permissions workaround might be considered a better choice as other funds may not use secondary balancing and removing option in GL settings impacts all users.