How to Manually Import GB Invoices and Schedule GB Invoice Import

Description of Issue

Want to import invoices and/or schedule an import to run automatically




Manually Import GB Invoices:

  1. Navigate to EERP>General Revenues>General Billing>Invoice Processing>Invoice Import
  2. Click Define.
  3. Enter the criteria you wish to import (File Type, Import File, Batch#, GL Eff Date.)
  4. Select the Import Icon.
  5. If there are errors, a report will generate, detailing what issue needs to be corrected.  For a list of errors, see: Master Article - General Billing Invoice Import

Schedule a GB Invoice Import:

  1. Navigate to EERP>General Revenues>General Billing>Invoice Processing>Invoice Import
  2. Click Define.
  3. Enter the criteria you wish to import (File Type, Import File, Batch#, GL Eff Date.)
  4. In the Execute This Import field: Select At a Scheduled Time.
  5. Select the desired Recurrence Pattern, Notification, and Output Options 
    1. The define criteria would be saved as is for your scheduled import, so make sure the define details are setup first, then select the scheduler details. This means if you choose File type: Standard, and include the import file, this is what will import, at your scheduled date/time.
  6. On the confirmation screen, verify it is setup for the correct date/times, then select OK
Additional Information

Note that the path in the Import file field of the scheduled recurrence cannot be updated. Therefore, the file must have the same filename and location for the duration of the scheduled job. To change the Import file, the scheduled job must be deleted from Scheduler Queue and then a new define and Scheduler recurrence must be entered in Invoice Import.