Inactivate Charge Code

Description of Issue

How to inactivate accounts receivable charge codes

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes



  1. Navigate to General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Charge Codes

  2. Click Search and enter the year/code/category for the charge code you'd like to inactivate

  3. Click Accept

    1. Once locating the record, click Update

    2. For charge codes with no activity, Delete is also an option

  4. Following step 4-a, deselect the Active checkbox under Additional Attributes 

  5. Click Accept to save changes

Additional Information

Note: In System Administration > Security > Roles > Accounts Receivable (folder), under Data Access, a user must have Full or Limited access [with access to the specific charge code(s) that need to be inactivated] in order to make this update.

Also note that for bills containing any inactive charge codes, which were created prior to the charge code being inactivated, are still available to take payment on and will GL allocate according to the account allocations on the charge code.