List of users showing budget level access

List of users showing budget level access

Description of Issue

Need to know what budget level users can access

  • Roles

  • Budget


  1. Go to Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > Roles

  2. Select the Budget Folder

  3. Select Search

  4. Under Maximum Budget Level, check off levels you want to search

  5. Select Accept

  6. This will then load all the roles granting access to these budget levels.

    1. Select Browse to see the whole list on one page.

    2. From the Browse page you can select Excel in the ribbon to export the list to excel.

  7. Once you have the list of roles granting access to the budget levels go back to the main Roles screen

  8. Search for a role on the list

  9. Select the Assigned Users tab to see which users are assigned to the roles with this budget level access.

  10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for all Roles with the permission to create a list of all users with this budget level access.

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