Limit Type Y - Calendar Year versus Z - Calendar Year Gross

Description of Issue

When do we use Limit Type Calendar Year versus Calendar Year - Gross?

  • Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Limit Type




Y – Calendar Year

This is a withholding limit type based on the Employee/Employer Amount fields on the Calendar Year Accumulator.  When the Limit amount is met, the withholding stops, but the gross does not.  If the deduction code is included in a payroll, the Employee Gross amount on the Yearly Accumulator will continue to increase (unless it's FICA, which is hard coded to stop).

Z – Calendar Year - Gross 

This is a wage limit based on the Employee Gross field on the Calendar Year Accumulator.  When the Limit amount is met, both the withholding amount AND the gross stop.  If the deduction code is included in a payroll, the Employee Gross amount on the Yearly Accumulator will NOT continue to increase.

Additional Information