How to add Preventive Maintenance triggers

How to add Preventive Maintenance triggers

Description of Issue
How do you add Preventive Maintenance triggers? 
  • Enterprise Asset Management
  • EAM



Preventive Maintenance triggers can be added to an asset from Asset Registry, Assets or Asset Type:

Asset Registry

  1. Navigate to Asset Registry (Enterprise ERP > Asset Maintenance > Assets > Asset Registry
  2. Search for the asset you would like to add a Preventive Maintenance trigger to 
  3. Click the Preventive Maintenance tab
  4. Click Add PM
  5. Select the required Servicing Department and Activity 
  6. Click Next 
  7. Select a Trigger Type
  8. Define the interval for your occurrence, depending on your selected Trigger type
  9.  Click Save


  1. Navigate to Assets (Enterprise ERP > Asset Maintenance > Assets > Assets
  2. Search for the asset you would like to add a Preventive Maintenance trigger to 
  3. From the drop down menu, click Prevent Maint
  4. Click Add
  5. Select the required Servicing Department, Activity, and Trigger Type 
  6. Define the interval for your occurrence, depending on your selected Trigger type
  7. Click Accept
  8. Enter in the initial trigger setup 
  9. Click Accept
  10. Click Return to go back to the Preventive Maintenance Detail screen 

Asset Type

  1. Navigate to Asset Types (Enterprise ERP > Asset Maintenance > Setup Center > Asset Types)
  2. Search for the asset type you would like to add a Preventive Maintenance trigger to 
  3. Click Preventive Maintenance from the menu ribbon 
  4. Click Add
  5. Select the required Servicing Department, Activity, and Trigger Type 
  6. Define the interval for your occurrence, depending on your selected Trigger type
  7. Click Accept
  8. If choosing recurrence pattern select a Frequency and Daily pattern 
  9. Click Accept
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