Pay code to track hours only in the payroll

Pay code to track hours only in the payroll

Description of Issue

How do I set up a pay code to track hours only?  The employee is not going to be paid any amounts

Is there a way to track hours worked separately from the pay code that pays employee's their recurring base pay rate?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Pay Master

  • 0 Factor Pays

  • Factor 0 Pays

  • Pay Code

  • Pay Type

  • Employee Job/Salary



To track hours only, a user would set up a 0 Factor Pay type:

  1. Open Pay Master (Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master)

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter a Pay code, Start Date, End date, etc.

  4. Generally, the Category code would be 3 - Absence/Accrual, or 6 - Misc/Other Pay

  5. Enter 90-Pct Of Final Base Salary for the Calc code

  6. Enter 0.0000 for the Factor

  7. Then add the pay to the employee(s) in Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

Additional Information