General Journal Entry Proof Entity Code- Unrecoverable error

General Journal Entry Proof Entity Code- Unrecoverable error

Description of Issue

User receives below error when trying to update an imported journal entry in General Journal Entry Proof

Import Journals is assigning an incorrect default value in the Entity code field

Unrecoverable Error Detected

Munis has detected an unrecoverable error. This program will abort after you close this message.

This error has been submitted to the Munis System Log. Please not the following details and report this error to your administrator and/or Munis Support.


Program ID: glcjeent

Error Condition: Entity code is incorrect.

Date and time: XXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX

System log Id: XXXXX

  • General Journal Entry Proof

  • Import Journals

  • Accounting Entries


Development added Entity Code field to Import Journals but didn't set the default as 1. So, when journal import is completed, the entry cannot be updated because of the invalid entity code.


The work ticket to address the issue is available to load off of Tyler Deploy, please load the ticket applicable to your current version:

Version 2021.9 MUN-478965 - Build 2021.9.0.1344

Version 2021.10 MUN-478963 - Build 2021.10.0.1080 

Version 2021.11 MUN-478905 - Build 2021.11.0.788

Version 2021.12 MUN-478906 - Build 2021.12.0.254

Workaround: The entity code can be corrected on the journal through Accounting Entries. Once that is done, journal can be updated in either Accounting Entries or General Journal Entry Proof. 

Additional Information

In most instances

  • The entity code can be manually modified prior to importing the journal. If entity codes are not use, set the value to 1.

  • The entity code is corrected during posting if left unadjusted prior to posting.

If users are unable to update the Entity code prior to import, or from Accounting Entries and the journal cannot be posted, contact General Ledger Support

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