Bill already exists error during MA Motor Vehicle Gen AR

Description of Issue

When running Generate Accounts Receivable for Massachusetts (MA) Motor Vehicle Excise, receive the message: Error - Bill already exists. Bill type: MV Year: YYYY Number: NNNNNN Plate: XXXXXX Customer: ###### Continue processing? 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Motor Vehicle Excise 

  • Massachusetts (MA)

  • Generate Accounts Receivable (mmagenar) 


Bill numbers are imported from the file provided by the RMV/DMV. A single file can only use each bill number once. Bill numbers cannot be used more than once in the file. 

  1. Reach out to the RMV/DMV and ask them to provide a file without duplicate bill numbers. Providing them with the bill number identified by the error may speed up resolution. 

  2. Once a new file is obtained, please let support know. The original Generate AR attempt will need to be voided by Support and the process status will need to be reset so that the billing can be restarted from the Registry File Import step. 

Additional Information

Contact Northeast Tax Support for assistance with this issue.