Location for Multiple Worksite Report is not effective dated

Description of Issue

The Location or Check Location fields in Employee Master are used for Multuiple Worksite reporting, but they are not effective dated. Hence, the report generates the information as to what was in the database at the time the report was processed.  Is there another field that can identify and report the information? 

  • Payroll

  • All States

  • State Reporting

  • Multiple Worksite Report




The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) does not require the employee to be reported under the Location they were specifically paid under in the payroll that crossed the 12th.

There are a number of scenarios where employees can work in multiple locations throughout the reporting quarter and in those scenarios, the instructions are to report them in a physical location where the employee spends most of their time or where the employee is supervised.

In EERP, there are scenarios where an employee works part time in two or more locations every payroll (such as a Music teacher), and certainly scenarios where an employee works in multiple job/positions/locations throughout the quarter.

The overriding factor of importance is making sure the employee is only counted one time, at one location. Based on these factors, the Employee Master Location fields are best suited. 

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