GB Deposit Wont Appear in Apply Deposits Program

Description of Issue

General Billing Deposit can be seen on AR Customer record, but will not pull into Apply Deposits program. 

When clicking View All, it does appear in the list.

GB Deposit's charge description shows as UNKNOWN in AR Customers program, and is blank when looking at the View All list in Apply Deposits program.

  • General Billing

  • Accounts Receivable Customers

  • Apply Deposits

  • Payment Entry


The cause is not known at this time. This may happen when Deposits are applied to AR Customer accounts through Cashiering rather than through Payment Entry.


The affected GB Deposit receipt should be reversed using the Payment Reversals program, then re-processed through Payment Entry. The Receipt number is shown on the Deposit record in the customer's General Billing tab. Refer to the below KCS articles for both parts of this resolution.

Reversing Posted Payments

How to enter General Billing Deposits

Additional Information