How to enter General Billing Deposits

Description of Issue
  • Upgraded and can no longer take deposits. 
  • How to enter deposits in the new version. 
  • Was not prompted to Apply GB Deposit. 
  • Entered a GB Deposit and do not see it on the Customer's account. 
  • 2018.1+
  • General Billing
  • Deposits
  • Payment Entry (arbilinq)

This scenario may present itself when site has recently upgraded from an older version to version 2018.1 and higher. In older versions, General Billing Deposits were taken using Category 02 Miscellaneous Receipts. In new versions (2018.1+), Payment Entry has a GB Deposit button during Receipt Entry which brings the user through a new General Billing Deposit module. 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Entry. 
  2. Create or resume an existing Payment Entry batch. Click Accept. 
  3. Click Enter Receipts.
  4. Click GB Deposit.
  5. Enter the applicable fields. 
  6. Click Accept. 
  7. Complete the receipt transaction. 
  8. The Customer that just received the deposit will now reflect on their account in Customers within the General Billing tab.  
Additional Information

Additional resources for working with deposits can be found here: Master Article - General Billing Apply Deposits