Interdepartmental Billing InvalidOperation Posting error

Interdepartmental Billing InvalidOperation Posting error

Description of Issue

GB Interdepartmental Billing posting error in Invoice Entry and Proof when the invoice hast two of the same charge codes where one is a negative amount and the other a positive amount:

  • Errors have been detected which must be corrected before posting can occur.

  • InvalidOperation.

  • Error in archgobj_openByChargeID()calling ARChargeCodeHelper.openByChargeID().

  • General Billing

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Interdepartmental Billing

  • Invoice Entry and Proof



Development is currently researching the issue. 

Delete the Invoice in Invoice Entry and Proof. Consider the following options:

  • Create two invoices where one invoice is for a negative amount and the second invoice for a positive amount.

  • Create one invoice where the negative charge code and positive charge codes are different Charge Codes.

  • Create one invoice where the Charge Code Amount equals the Sum of the negative and positive amounts.

If the Generate button was already used and an Invoice Inquiry and Bill Inquiry record exists, but the Batch won't post, contact Enterprise ERP Revenue Support for further assistance.

Additional Information


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