NH Veterans Credits not displaying correctly on the Actual or Second Billing Commitment Book

Description of Issue
  • The Commitment Book for Actuals or Second Billing is not displaying the Veteran Credits correctly. 

  • Veteran Credits in the Actual or Second Billing Commitment Book are only half of what they should be. 

  • NH Tax

  • Exemptions/Credits (txexcred) 

  • Commitment Book (tmaactcm)


The Include unposted credits option in the Commitment Book includes Exemption/Credits records that exist in the Exemption/Credits programs for Parcels that are being billed and because these credits are split between the Preliminary or First Billing and Actual or Second Billing, the amount being displayed is only half. 


If the Exemption Code used to generate the Veteran's Credits is a Type of Credit, then the Commitment Book will show the full credit amount, but each bill (first and second) will only be reduced by half of the credit. 

If the Exemption Code used to generate the Veteran's Credits is a Type of Exemption or Abatement, then the PRELIM BILLED field on the Commitment Book will show the Prelim Tax amount before it was reduced by a Veteran's Credit and the NET PRELIM field will show the Prelim Tax reduced by the Veteran's Credit. 

Otherwise, the bill can be hand calculated by multiplying the Parcel's preliminary assessed taxable value * the preliminary tax rate / 1000 to prove out that it did receive a Veteran's Credit. 

Development is working on correcting the PRELIM ABT field so that it will show the Veteran's Credit posted to the first bill. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.Â