Dates used to calculate accrual earning rate in the payroll

Description of Issue
  • An employee earned too much accrual time in a payroll

  • Employees not earning enough accrual time when run the payroll

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Employee Accruals

  • Accrual Tables

  • Earning Method on the Accrual Table is 01 – From Time Worked Within Payroll

  • Accrual Date in Employee Accruals may not be correct

  • The From and To ranges may not be correct on the Service Levels tab on the Accrual Table

  • The rates listed under the Amount column may not be correct on the Service Levels tab on the Accrual Table


The system calculates the number of months between the Accrual Date in Employee Accruals, and the Start Date of the payroll.  Then uses the rate for the number of months of service from the Service Levels on the Accrual Tables screen.

If the Accrual Date in Employee Accruals is not correct, it may be corrected by:

  1. Access Employee Accruals (Payroll > Accrual Processing > Employee Accruals)

  2. Search for the employee and accrual type

  3. Click Update, enter the correct Accrual Date, click Accept

If the Service Levels are incorrect on the Accrual Table, it may be corrected by:

  1. Access Accrual Tables (Payroll > Accrual Processing > Accrual Tables)

  2. Search for the accrual table

  3. Click Update

  4. Continue to click TAB key until cursor lands on the Service Levels tab

  5. Correct the From and/or To if the number of months incorrect, and /or correct the rate(s) in the Amount column

  6. Click Accept

Additional Information


The start date of the payroll is 09/23/2021 and an employee's Accrual Date in Employee Accruals on their Vacation accrual type, is 03/03/2015. This employee has 78 months of service. 

On the Vacation Accrual Table on the Service Levels tab, from 0-120 months of service they earn .025 hours. 

Within the payroll, this employee worked 40 hours that adds to their Vacation Accrual. So the employee would earn 1 hour of vacation in this payroll (.025*40=1)Â