Effective Dated Pays - How do I add a brand new Job Salary record for a new hire

Description of Issue

How do I add a new Job Salary record for a new hire or someone who is getting a brand new job?

  • Employee Job/Salary


I need to add a new employee to a new job.

  1. To add a new Job Salary record for either a new hire or an existing employee who is getting a new job navigate to Employee Job/Salary.

    • Munis > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary

  2. Ensure an Employee Master record exists.

  3. Select Add in the ribbon within Employee Job/Salary.

  4. Define Base Pay record as needed.

    1. Effective Date - the date this job salary record needs to be pulled into payroll.

    2. Position Start/End Date - the date employee began occupying Position.

    3. Pay Start/End Date - the date the employee can be included in defined Pay Frequency.

    4. Define rate of pay - salary table step, hourly, pay period, or annual pay.

  5. Select Accept.

Additional Information
  • If Personnel Actions are used to create these changes, you will follow the same steps defined above in Personnel Action Entry.

  • Please review our Master Article - Effective Dated Pays and Positions for all topics on Effective Dated Pays and Positions.

  • Please reach out to Payroll Support with any additional questions.