BAI import spins and does not complete when Match checks on import is checked

Description of Issue
  • BAI import hangs when either Match on import option is checked
    • Match checks during import

    • Match deposits during import

  • Import will process if Match checks on import is unchecked
    • In some cases, the import will complete with match options on, but process time is significantly longer even though file size and format have not changed. 
  • Automatch in Bank Reconciliation Manager returns error:
    • F12 trace shows error on AutoMatch, Status 500
  • System Log error on Program Ids : GetUnmatchedBankCheckGross, ExecuteAutoMatch, CalculateLastYear, GetOutstandingMunisGross
  • Intermittently this error will occur on screen, but typically the same user can successfully import the same file at a later time:

Munis (Cfbaiimp)

Error executing parse_file()

Additional information concerning a status error of -206 [-3701]:

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] Cannot drop the table ‘PRTemp’. Because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

System log Id: XXXX


BAI Import

Bank Reconciliation Manager


  • MUN-410007 (master ticket) has been released by Development to address the issue, BAI import fails or does not complete when Match checks on import is selected. 
    • Performance improvements have been made to the Match and AutoMatch procedures to reduce timeout-related errors when using 'Match checks/deposits on import'. Additional changes allow Bank Reconciliation Manager screens to load faster with fewer timeouts.
Additional Information
  • If the options Match checks during import and Match deposits during import are unchecked in the BAI Import screen, the BAI import file should complete quickly, without error.
  • If performance issues on the match screen persist following this install of MUN-410007, please report to General Ledger Support.Â