Payments Report- Charge Codes Range

Description of Issue
  • How to define Payments Report by a range of Charge Codes in new version?

  • Using specific Charge Codes with Payments Report.

  • Charge Codes on Payment Report looks different.

  • Payments Report

  • v2019.1+


When upgrading from v11.3, users will find they are no longer able to enter a range of charge codes when defining the Payments Report. Charge Codes are now individually.

  1. Navigate to General Revenue > Payment Processing > Payments Report

  2. Click Define

  3. Under the Payment Criteria click the Selected link to identify the charge codes in include.

  4. Once identified, the Selected link indicates the number of charge codes included.

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information

Next to the Charge Codes is the option for Display Only Selected Charges/Charge Groups. If selected, the report provides detail and total information for only the charge codes selected.

Please reach out to Accounts Receivable Support for more information.Â