Number by paperclip in Munis programs displays an incorrect count of the total mapped attachments saved to TCM

Description of Issue

The number/count by the paperclip displays a different number than the total mapped attachments saved to TCM from Munis programs. Users can see the correct attachment counts in the document mapping screen but the paperclip is not reflecting that same number. 

  • Munis
  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM
  • Mappings

The number count that is by the paperclip is driven by the total attachment count that is in the Attached Documents mapping section of the document mapping screen. The Associated Documents mapping section does not drive the count by the paperclip.

For example, if you had 4 total attachments mapped to Attached Documents mappings section and 10 saved in the Associated Documents mapping section, the number by the paperclip would only display 4. 


This is working as designed. Currently there is not a way to change this functionality.