Maryland Homeowner Credit and Payments Report
The Homeowner Credit and Payments Report can be used to show overpayment activity caused by a tax homeowner credit
MD Property Tax Billing
Homeowner Credit and Payments Report (tmdhcpmt)
The Homeowner Credit and Payments Report will provide either a report or excel output of billing activity containing Homeowner Credits and Payments that can be reported back to the state. The report can be run for an activity date range and by specific charge codes receiving a homeowner credit.
Report Output will provide the following:
Basic billing information (Category, Year, and Bill Number)
Beginning and Ending receivable balance
Adjustment and Exemption amounts
Homeowner Credit amounts
Payment amounts
Interest Paid and Due amounts
Due to State (HOC-PMTS) summary amount
Payment and Adjustment Activity summary (type, date, and amount)
Charge and Assessment Total summary (charge code, assessment total amount)