Accounting Entries TCM Mapping missing
TCM mapping is missing for paperclip for General Journals in Accounting Entries
How do TCM mappings get added to Accounting Entries?
Accounting Entries
Tyler Content Manager (TCM)
TCM Mappings need to be added or have been deactivated and need to be reactivated
User with Munis System role permission "Maintain Munis-to-TCM Document Maps" will need to add or reactivate TCM mappings. Go to:
Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Accounting Entries
Select General Journals, Budget Transfer/Amendments or Encumbrance Entry
Choose any existing journal number's blue hyperlink
If none exist add a new journal and add a line to have access to TCM paperclip icon.
Paperclip icon
Add Mapping on the lower left of screen
Enter Mapping Name
Select needed Document Type drop down box selections
Add all needed Document Types
Mark or unmark check box for Is Read Only
If TCM Mappings exist but are deactivated
Reactivate Mapping(s)
Activate next to available needed mapping that has been added but previously deactivated.
User with Munis System role permission "View attachments and associated documents" can use TCM attachment/paperclip attachments if mappings are added and are not deactivated.