Rate field not populating Employee Accrual History

Description of Issue

Employee Accrual History Rate field is zero.

  • Employee Accrual History

  • Employee Update

  • Accrual Update

  • Accrual Tables


The associated Accrual Table Earning Method is set to a Via Batch option.


Change the Earning Method of the Accrual Table to an earn Via Payroll option, or find the rate data in History Inquiry and/or Payroll Detail History.

  1. Go to Accrual Tables (Payroll>Accrual Processing>Accrual Tables).

  2. Search for the Accrual Type and Table. Click Accept. 

  3. Click Update. Click the Options tab. 

  4. Next to the Earning Method field choose a Within Payroll option.

  5. Click Accept.

Additional Information

Note: This change will only update the rate moving forward and not retroactively add the rate to historical records.