Master Article - 834 Reporting
Description of Issue
All articles on Employee 834 reporting.
- Employee Benefits 834 Export
- Benefits Enrollment
Benefits are tracked within the Benefits Enrollment program and we need to send a file to the vendor to show who is currently enrolled.
- How to create and retrieve the 834 File
- How to remove OP sections from 834 Report
- How to create a crosswalk in the 834 Report
- How to setup User Defined fields in our 834 report
- How to show REF 17 Segment in 834 File
- Suppressing items in the 834 export
- Purge 834 Detail Records
- 834 Report - Header Loop GS Segment GS06 Element Setup
- 834 Report - INS07 Element Setup
- 834 Report - BGN08 Element Setup
- 834 Report - Remove dashes from SSN
- 834 Report - User Defined Values for HD04 segment
- 834 Report - How to get the REF 17 Segment to appear for all Employees and Dependents
- Dependent 834 export line does not show the HD04 Health Coverage line
- Unable to locate policy numbers for 834 Report
- Error when creating 834 file No unprocessed records exist
- Dependents without SSN do not rollup in the 834 Report
- Maintenance Type not populating on 834 employee detail records
- Employee 834 record shows a relationship code of G8
- 834 Generate - Coverage End Date is populating incorrectly
- Termination Date being used as Coverage End Date in 834 Report
- Error while saving incremented InterchangeControlNumber
- 834 Export Generate screen missing for user
- 834 Report is showing XN for all records
- 834 Report - DTP 348 is incorrect date
- 834 Report - DTP349 incorrect date
- 834 Report DTP349 is reporting Termination Dates as opposed to Coverage End Date
- 834 Report Error Detail date is null
- 834 Report is pulling in inactive and terminated employees
- 834 Report is pulling in inactive Employee Dependents
- 834 Generate is creating duplicate dependent records
- 834 Generate is not building any records
- 834 Benefit Export - Not including REF1L Segment in the 2300 Loop
- Employee and dependents not showing after generating 834 Report
- Eligibility Date is not populating on the 834 Employee Record
- Primary Care Provider information needed in 834 report
- Employee 834 Report documentation
- COBRA Reason Code Setup
Vendor specific:
Additional Information
Please reach out to Human Resources support with any additional questions.