How to convert a base pay calc code in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue
  • Need to update the calc code on a base pay.
  • If updating the base pay in Pay Master, where else do I need to make the change?
  • How do I change the calc code for a base pay in Employee Job Salary?
  • Where does the calc code pull from in Employee Job/Salary on the base pay?
  • The wrong calc code is showing in Employee/Job Salary.
  • Enterprise ERP Payroll
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Salary Tables
  • Position Control
  • Job Class Master
  • Pay Master


In order to convert the calc code on a base pay, there are a few items to look at:

  1. Check If the employee is linked to a Salary Table in Employee Job/Salary. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. Note the Grade/Step fields.

If they are linked to a Salary Table:

  1. go to Human Resources > Position Control and Budgeting > Salary Tables.
  2. Search for the Table. Click Update. Update the Pay Calc Code (and Pay Basis if necessary) on the Salary Table. Click Accept

If the employee is not linked to a Salary Table:

  1. go to Human Resources > Position Control and Budgeting > Position Control or Job Class Master (If not using Position Control).
  2. Click Update. Click the Salary Data tab. Update the Calc Code. Click Accept.

Go back into Employee Job/Salary:

  1. Search for the employee and base pay. Click Delete then click Add to re-add the Employee Job Salary record to pull in the new calc code.
Additional Information
  • The calc code that defaults into the base pay in Employee Job/Salary pulls based on the below hierarchy:
  1. First will look to the Salary Table if applicable.
  2. Then Position Control if applicable.
  3. Then Job Class Master
  4. Then Pay Master