Warning: Proof Totals May Not Match when running Employee Update

Description of Issue

When trying to run the employee update, getting a warning that reads: 

Warning: Proof Totals May Not Match

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Employee Update
  • Earnings and Deductions Proof
  1. Go into Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions Proof
  2. Click Define from the Menu and run the B-Detail Proof from the Proof Option drop down list.
  3. Ensure that the proof is correct
  4. Click Return and run the Employee Update 

User may have gone into earnings and deductions, changed things or viewed certain items. This warning is notifying the user that if any changes have occurred, proofs that have been run prior to changes may be incorrect. 

Additional Information