Report to show all project strings and GL accounts associated with them, without transactions

Description of Issue

Is there a report that would show all project strings and which GL accounts are associated with them without transactions?

A report is needed to verify that Project Ledger strings are set up with the right General Ledger accounts.


Project Expense Inquiry

Project Funding Source Inquiry



The Project Expense Inquiry and Project Funding Source Inquiry programs can be used to output strings for all projects and the GL accounts associated with the strings. 

Financials> General Ledger Menu> Project Accounting> Project Ledger> Projects/Inquiry> Project Expense Inquiry (or Project Funding Source Inquiry)

  1. In Project Expense String (or Project Funding Source Inquiry), click Search and Accept.
  2. Select Excel.  On the Excel filter, uncheck all yearly amount boxes.
  3. Accept

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