DIA condition - Invoice Details - Invalid 1099 box code - posted invoices

Description of Issue

How to clear the DIA condition - Invoice Details - Invalid 1099 Box code (posted invoices)

Upgrade to new version or code cannot move forward until error is resolved

  • Data Integrity Assistant (DIA)
  • Accounts Payable Invoice Details
  • 1099 Box Code
  • Posted Transactions

Erroneous space in 1099 field on the invoice detail


Take the example from DIA error list and follow these steps then run DIA again to ensure the error is resolved.

Best practice is to Modify AP Invoice in same period as original API invoice entry posting

  1. Browse to Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Modify Invoices
  2. Define
    • Journal Information
      • Year
      • Period
      • Effective Date
      • Comment as needed
    • Vendor
    • Invoice Number
  3. Select Invoice Details
  4. Select Update
  5. Use the 1099 drop down to select the Blank
  6. Accept to save the changes
  7. Select Back
  8. Select Back
    • This will post the update to the Accounts Payable tables DIA is reading but will not produce an APM journal as no General Ledger Account or Project Ledger String