Restoring Applicant Attachments from when TCM was down
Restoring Applicant Attachments from when TCM was down
Description of Issue
- TCM was down between 4/3-4/6 and applicants were able to submit job applications but they did not write to TCM
- Munis
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- Recruiting
- Tyler Content Manage (TCM)
- Employee Self Service (ESS)
- TCM is down and the client would like to restore images that were suppose to be created
- There is no redundancy or process to restore attachments that may have been created during a TCM outtage
- To resolve, applicants will need to resubmit their Application
- This will eventually be re-worked to establish a mechanism for redundancy under work ticket MUN-393529
Additional Information
- Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions