XXXX does not have Accounts Payable (AP) Access

XXXX does not have Accounts Payable (AP) Access

Description of Issue

Error accessing a program from Accounts Payable menu: XXXX does not have Accounts Payable (AP)Access

  • Munis
  • Menu
  • User Attributes
  • Account Payable Role

User has menu access but does not have permissions to the Accounts Payable Role

  1. Click on System Administration > Security > User Attributes
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter the User Id for the user receiving the error and click Accept
  4. Click on Edit Role at the bottom section where the Roles are, select the Role you wish to grant access to the Accounts Payable.
  5. Click + (Add) to add the AP role and select the desired permissions and data access. 
Additional Information