Crew Code Setup

Crew Code Setup

Description of Issue
  • Set up Crew Code to be used in Work Order Time Entry by Crew Program
  • How to set up crew code for use on work orders
  • Enterprise Asset Management
  • EAM


  1. Ensure that Labor Codes are set up for each employee in crew: Unable to add employee to work order - Due to not being added to a Labor Job code
  2. In Crew And Labor Codes program (Asset Maintenance > Setup Center > Crew And Labor Codes), click Crew 
  3. Click Add
  4. Enter required information and click Accept
  5. Click Job Codes
  6. Click Add to select job codes that can be used in crew.  Eligible job codes pull from Labor codes referenced in step 1.
  7. In Crew Setup program (Asset Maintenance > Setup Center > Crew Setup), click Add
  8. Create new record and click Accept
    1. Crew name is a user-defined field that allows up to 40 characters
    2. Crew code is filtered by servicing department set up in Crew And Labor Codes program in steps 2 & 3
    3. Crew leader is an employee with a job class added to the Crew And Labor Codes program
  9. Click Employees to enter in all eligible job classes and employees to crew 
  10. Once all the employees are added and accepted to the crew, the crew can be used on work orders
Additional Information