Employee time summary - Approvers Initials are not displayed when page reloads upon Approval if supervisor is setup as a secondary on the first step, and then a primary on a subsequent step

Description of Issue

If  the Approver is the secondary approver on first approval step, and primary approver on second approval step and needs to approve time card through Employee time summary page: Checking > checkbox next to the record that needs approval and Clicking > Approve button, page reloads and Approvers initials should be displayed in Approver column for the row of the employee whose timecard got approved.

At the moment in order to see the Initials after approval user needs to refresh the page or leave the page and come back to it.

  • Time & Attendance

  • Employee Time Summary

  • Workflow Approvals



At this time, there is no workaround. Please reach out to Support in order to be notified once this has been addressed by Development in a future build. timeandattendance@tylertech.com

Additional Information