Fiscal year and Period fields grayed out when creating BUA

Description of Issue

User is unable to change the Fiscal year and Period when creating a new BUA

  • Budget Transfers and Amendments


The user does not have the General Ledger permission to 'Override accounting period'.

Also occurs if the General Ledger permissions 'Allow transactions in periods prior to default' and 'Allow transactions in periods beyond the default' is set to 0. 


Check off the permission 'Override accounting period'

Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Click Search

  2. Enter user credentials

  3. Click Accept

  4. Locate and select role you would like to change

  5. Click Edit Role

  6. Click General Ledger 

  7. Click Update

  8. Click the Override accounting period permission checkbox

  9. Click Accept

  10. Click Back

  11. Click Back

  12. Click Reset Files

Set the allow transactions in periods prior/beyond permissions to a number that encompasses the periods you want the user to post to

Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Click Search

  2. Enter user credentials

  3. Click Accept

  4. Locate and select role you would like to change

  5. Click Edit Role

  6. Click General Ledger 

  7. Click Update

  8. Click the dropdown menu next to Allow transactions in periods prior to the default

  9. Select the period

  10. Click the dropdown menu next to Allow transactions in periods beyond the default

  11. Select the period

  12. Click Accept

  13. Click Back

  14. Click Back

  15. Click Reset Files

Additional Information