Incorrect last Read Date On Records In Current Read Consumption

Description of Issue

Route XXXX has the wrong previous read date on  records in current read consumption for the current Bill Run.

  • EERP


  • Bill Run

  • Current Read Consumption


The Route was exported to current read consumption before the last Bill Run was completed and therefore the records in Current Read/Consumption had the incorrect last read date of the previous read to the last Bill Run.


Navigate to Enterprise ERP > Property Revenues > Utility Billing>Bill Processing > Current Read/Consumption

  1. search on Route

  2. accept

  3. Delete All the route records out of current read consumption

  4. POP Up Confirm Purge YES

  5.   Navigate to Enterprise ERP > Property Revenues > Utility Billing>Interface Actions >Export Meter Reading File Export the records for the Route

  6.   Navigate to Enterprise ERP > Property Revenues > Utility Billing>Interface Actions > Import Meter Reading File Import the records for the Route