Credential Mismatch error in Create TSB4 Virtual Host Step during Tyler Workflow Deployment

Description of Issue

The following error message occurred when trying to upgrade Workflow. 

Credential Mismatch: twfuser already exists, but password does not match Tyler Deploy input

  • Tyler Workflow
  • Tyler Deploy
  • RabbitMQ
  • vhost
  • Virtual Host
  • Deploy Task

Issue is due to a credential mismatch for the virtual host in RabbitMQ. This will cause the Tyler Workflow upgrade to fail.

  1. Log into the RabbitMQ Console
    1. Steps on how to do that can be found in the following article: How to Access RabbitMQ Management Console
  2. Select the Admin tab
    1. On the far right, select Virtual Hosts
    2. Click the virtual host for the instance having the upgrade issue
      1. EX: twf_exampletrain
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Delete this vhost
    4. You will be asked Are you sure? Click OK
  3. Go back to the Admin tab and select the user for the instance having the upgrade issue
      1. EX: twfuserexampletrain 
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Delete this user
    1. You will be asked Are you sure? Click OK
  5. Log into Tyler Deploy and go to the Tyler Workflow Deployment Page
    1. Steps on how to gain access and use Tyler Deploy can be found in the following article: How to Run or Schedule an Update in Tyler Deploy for a Product
  6. Select the Tasks tab and select Create TSB4 Virtual Hosts in the drop down
  7. Run the task and once complete try the Workflow Upgrade again
Additional Information